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Catherine Kassouf


Catherine Kassouf was born 1989 in Syracuse, New York where she lived off and on between Connecticut and Wisconsin.  She currently resides and works out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Being the youngest of four children, she found her voice often too quiet to gain much recognition.  Kassouf discovered art to be another, as well as more effective, way to articulate her own thoughts.  Ultimately photography became an outlet for self-expression and grew into a means of informing the greater public of frequently over looked issues of human existence.  Most of her work uses Kassouf's own body, experimenting with artist becoming artwork. 

Kassouf is graduating with her BFA focusing on photography along with a minor in art history from the University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin in 2013.  Through complete immersion into the arts she draws inspiration from various mediums and countless artists including Marcel Duchamp, Cindy Sherman, Nikki S. Lee, and Matthew Barney.  During her college education Kassouf juggled the responsibilities of working with children, being an assistant to three professional photographers, and holding a position monitoring a photography lab for students.

Catherine Kassouf


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